In addition to major changes, we’ve also added some extra features to make our service more customer-friendly.
1. Suggestion comment box. You can now submit a short explanation with each suggestion you send. This is especially helpful if you have foreign words that mean something. Please, don’t use this box for any other purposes.
2. Top 100 contributors. If you are a rank 1 contributor, you can see your current standing.
3. Viewed By Client status. You can now see if your suggestion has been viewed by a client even if he or she has decided not to mark the suggestion as liked or disliked. In addition to that you can delete your suggestions if they have not been viewed by a client yet.
4. Completed orders page. You can now see completed orders in one place. If you see ********.com, it means that client chose not to display picked domain (this option is now available automatically, too).