If you need help, naming your business. you are in the right place. We've named over 1500 domains and companies (like Architexa or NadaPay.Com), so business name help is our specialty.
This is how business naming process works. First, you register and specify what you want - do you need a name or domain. How long does your name needs to be? What domain extension or extensions are a must have for you. What keywords, do you want. What message should the name convery. Etc.
After that you make a $50 deposit. The names will start pouring in almost immediately. Remember, unlike free business name generators that use software, PickyDomains.com is 100% human-powered, so to speak, so all suggestions you receive will be of high quality (overall you should expect several hundred suggestions). You'll also be able to give feedback and guide our contributors in the desired direction.
When you decide, which name you want to use, we'll transfer part of that $50 to a contributor who made the winning suggestion. If however, we are unable to come up with a perfect business name for you, you'll get the money back, so there is absolutely no risk for you.